The 5 best coding apps for kids
In our free curriculum planner, we’ve been asking parents what electives they’d like to see us add beyond core curriculum, math and literacy. Nearly 50% of parents asked for coding. So here are our favorite apps for learning to code!
Besides the obvious boost to your kid’s future resume, learning to code offers many benefits including developing creativity, problem solving skills and resilience. With the emergence of hackathons, coding can also be a highly social activity in a time where all of us are longing to connect.
In the Modulo community, we have many families who work in tech who have generously tested out the the various learn to code apps for their own kids and recommended their family favorites.
Our teachers have reviewed these for their approach to teaching and watched a variety of learners use them to make sure they are fun and engaging for all kids PrK-12th grade, regardless of whether their parents have jobs in tech or not.
Our five favorite coding apps
- CodeSpark Academy — $9.99/month (also lets kids create their own games)
- SpriteBox Coding (great first coding app)
- LightBot (a bit more advanced than SpriteBox)
- FREE, tons of resources for all ages from this great non-profit
- Scratch or Scratch Jr FREE MIT”s awesome teaching kids to code project
Getting started : not sure where to begin ? Here is some great advice from our friends at on just getting started
- Start with an Hour of Code activity like Dance Party or Star Wars
- Spend one hour a day on the Express Course (or the Prereader version)
- Watch short videos to learn How Computers Work or How the Internet Works (these are great to watch as a family)
- Start making your own apps with App Lab
Would you like more curriculum for learning at home? Try our free curriculum planner where you can search curriculum by your child’s learning style and favorite activities.